How about a Hoffman tube to capture the hydrogen and a wall mart aerator for a 
fish tank to circulate it back up thru the electrolyte – the excess would 
escape but pure hydrogen could be obtained from a small plastic tube stuck up 
inside at the top of the Hoffman tube running down to a circulator pump - if we 
are trying to load something with hydrogen then anything that increases the 
hydrogen crossing the surface areas of the lattice should be a plus?

From: Eric Walker []
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 9:30 PM
Subject: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:Good Alloy for Celani type reaction costs 5 cents : 
Chuck Sites

On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 6:00 PM, David Roberson 
<<>> wrote:

At the moment my hydrogen loading system is taking 1 amp at about 20 volts.  
The voltage reading varies greatly depending upon the spacing between the 
electrodes as expected with a resistive electrolyte.

I'm enjoying the crazy tabletop experiment a little more than I should.

Let's see -- a nickel coin, pencil lead, borax ...  Maybe you can work out and 
document a simple protocol for others, and then do large run of the 
experiments, and, using statistical analysis, show that there's a significant 
difference in the integrated temperature series in the cell with the nickel 
versus the cell with the pencil lead.  Just for fun, you could use a simple 
mercury thermometer rather than something fancy; there would be no end to the 
amusement if LENR could be convincingly established using stuff that can be 
found in one's home.


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