Since I don't yet have a "wet" environment I unpacked and set up my power supply.

Like this one :

(gee .. there's one like it for 50c cheaper! That particular one's an auction -- but Buy-it-now is the same price $67-ish, free shipping).

The manual is ... Chinese and Chinglish :

• 1. Current
• 2. Steady flow rough tuning
• 3. Steady flow fine tuning
• 4. Steady flow state
• 5. Shows the three voltage
• 6. Fine-tuning regulators
• 7. Rough-tuning regulators
• 8. Directed state regulators
• 9. Negative output terminal
• 10. Positive output terminal
• 11. Output grounding terminal
• 12. Current switch
• 13. A/mA range conversion

Pretty straight forward : a course and fine voltage and current control, and a switch between mA and A Whichever is higher takes control (Constant Current, Constant Voltage) with an indicator light

I had a little potentiometer handy, so I set it to mA and gave it a twist.

Ooops !!! I misinterpreted the mA vs A switch : what's that burning smell !!??

Hooked up my 1 ohm / 25W resistor .... makes a nice hand-warmer if you set the VA right.

I see that brand-new Chinese Variacs are available for a similar price.

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