It's a really weird article. It starts off with this title:
Steven Jones replica: Pons & Fleischmann XS Heat not from fusion
Then the author (Allen) goes on to quote Jones as follows:

"... there is a confirmed and published effect showing products of d-d
[deuterium-deuterium] fusion at low levels. This is true 'cold fusion' ..."

But then author Allen goes on to summarize:

"Jones has adamantly stated that the P&F reactions, while producing excess
heat, are not due to fusion."

(wtf!?) and

"The problem with calling it "fusion" when it is not ..."

(wtf again!?)

So it seems to me the larger problem here is that Allen's article is
incoherent, quoting Jones as saying one thing and then summarizing him (and
titling the article!) by saying exactly the opposite.


On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 8:48 PM, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:

> Gad. What a jerk. Was, is, remains.
> - Jed

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