On Sun, Dec 16, 2012 at 11:26 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
<a...@lomaxdesign.com> wrote:
> At 09:50 AM 12/16/2012, Jones Beene wrote:
>> There are other Naudin sites which suffer the same problem.
>> Jones
> I see that Sterling Allen's page on the MHG project by Naudin never
> benefited from an explanation of the input power error. It's got some
> enthusiastic posts from you. Maybe you'd like to be the one to add a comment
> there?
> http://pesn.com/2005/06/26/9600116_Naudin_MAHG/
> This is listed by PESN as an "Open Sourcing Project/Active Tier 2"
> Looks totally dead to me.
> PESN repeats the claim that the Moller work is "Based on decades-old
> concepts set forth by Nobel laureate."
> http://www.peswiki.com/index.php/Directory:GIFNET#In_the_News
> That is highly misleading. Langmuir did not report an energy anomaly. Moller
> has himself made an error of three decimal places (interpreting Kcal as cal)
> in understanding the heat of dissociation of molecular hydrogen into atomic
> hydrogen, thus misinterpreting Langmuir's figures as somehow indicating a
> far higher heat of recombination than dissociation. In fact, Langmuir's
> figure was a little low, it was obviously an approximation.

I suspect there is something important missing from this account. What
promted Moller to look at Langmuir's work in the first place?


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