At 03:58 PM 1/3/2013, David Roberson wrote:
Please have a little more patience Jojo. The way these posts are coming now reminds me of a signal being filtered by a multi pole system with lots of delay. You have been true to your word and I thank you for that. Some folks have a difficult time realizing that it is time to calm down and relax.

If Abd keeps responding for no provocation on your part, I will understand who really is the source of the problem.

You will.

Abd, this is meant for you: Please find strength to hold back your words that appear insulting to Jojo and others. Perhaps it is a cultural issue, but there is no need for any further comments to posts that have such offensive titles as this one. Jojo has promised to go back to the traditions of past with a vortex that we can be proud of. I expect you to do the same unless it is your intent to destroy the list.

I'm responding now. Is this provocative?

David, it is if you say so. It is not of you say it is not. You actually choose!

It gives me pause to even return a post with a heading that is as repulsive as this one. It might sound innocent, but we all know what underlies the topic.


Is it an insult to count the posts to this list? I did not bias this collection, but, of course, if it happens to present a misleading impression, anyone can correct that. (I actually was surprised to see how often I'd responded. I made much shorter responses today, so they can be quicker. This is *not* an analysis by "insult." That would be much more work.)

So far:

Today (my time), total posts from Jojo, as received by me: 22.
Posts from Jojo under this subject header: 16. (does not include spin-off headers)
My total posts today: 17.
Posts from me under this subject header: 11.
Total posts under this subject header today, by all users: 48
New subject headers posted by Jojo today:
   [Vo]:OT: The truth about who's continuing the cycle of insults here
New subject headers posted by me today:
   [Vo]:Yak, yak. Do Something! NewVortex mailing list

I have not analysed the content of the posts. I could go further, but won't. You pointed out a problem, David.

People read the list one message at a time. I certainly do. They may not look at later messages before responding to earlier ones. So if someone posts a pile of messages (Jojo posted 28 messages yesterday), and then says "I'm stopping if everyone else stops," first of all, people may not even see this until they have already replied. And then, there is the issue of a right of response. If I'm saying "I'll stop," I stop and I wait. I waited for a *long time* when I said I'd do this. Jojo many times wrote, "I'll let you have the last word." Great! However, he didn't. And some people may never have seen his promise before responding to him. Some people may read the list next week and respond to a post.

One more statistic: I have directly responded to three posts from Jojo today, out of his total of 22.
Jojo has directly responded to seven out of my 16 total posts.

Jojo has now made a further promise:

Thu, 3 Jan 2013 13:16:34 -0800 (vortex time)
I responded to David, that I will honor his request to stop the cycle of insults and I have. My last post on this issue was 4:37PM (my time). It is now 5:07 AM (my time). Since my last post at 4:37PM, I have not posted a single post. That was over 12 hours ago.

Since that time, I have counted over a dozen fresh insults, whether direct or oblique, thrown my way. This was done by various members of vortex. It has now become apparent to me that these people will not allow the cycle of insults to stop. I have now responded to some insults in a calibrated way. I will now stop my responses again for another 12 hours to give this cycle of insults a chance to die down.

I am not sure what else to do. I can not allow fresh insults from a gang of bullies to continue.

Responses to Jojo from *prior posts* are not "fresh insults." If there is a cycle of insults involved -- that may not always be accurate -- then substantial time must be allowed for people to complete their process. People sometimes see a post here *months later* and respond. So, David, I'm counting on you to explain this to Jojo, if indeed he does not understand.

As I write this, Jojo has not sent any additional posts to the list after the above. The time is now 15:24 -0800, as I write this, if I'm correct.

As to the new list, the announcement of newVortex does not mention Jojo, nor is it about him. Nobody will be discriminated against with respect to the new list, based on prior behavior. It's a fresh slate, an opportunity. On the other hand, I expect there to be multiple moderators, who may deal swiftly with list abuse, but not necessarily by banning; rather through moderation and other devices. What I called above the "right of response" will be, if it's up to me, protected. But, if abused, moderated, so that escalation is avoided.

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