Excuse my grammar. English is not my native language. 

Can energy
and momentum be transferred from the new He4 to another nucleus at some

Energy can be transferred from one molecule to another threw
a quantum mechanical mechanism. 

This occurs in photo synthesis there
excitations can jump between electrons in different molecules. 

>From an
older tread. 


Maybe a
similar phenomenon can occur between nucleus? This means the excitation
from a He4 and momentum can be transferred 

to one or more receiver
nucleus. These receiver nucleus must be a special nuclide suitable for
receive the energy and have a mechanism to 

get rid of it. If several
nucleus can get energy from one He4 it may radiate it as UV. If this not
is possible I suggest that the receiver nucleus is a C12 

how decay to
3 He4 as an reversed triple alpha. 

In absence of receiver nucleus
there will be no reactions. But this did not explain the overcome of the
coulomb barrier 

and why its not works in absence of receiver nucleus.

I have heard that the conservation of momentum in LENR is commonly
explained to "something" 

how would be like the Mössbauer effect. But I
understand this not so easily to explain more exactly. 



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