Kevin, having given this more thought, if you want to apply the BEC concept to the hydroton that I propose is the active structure in LENR, I'm listening. We all agree that a method must be found to release mass-energy without producing energetic particles or energetic radiation. To do this, the D nuclei must form a relationship within a structure (cluster) that is unique. Perhaps the BEC has the required properties, but this is not obvious based on the arguments made so far.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Edmund Storms <>
Date: February 12, 2013 3:29:09 PM MST
Cc: Edmund Storms <>
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Bose Einstein Condensate formed at Room Temperature

The problem is that apparently we are not talking about the same thing or even using the same concepts. I'm taking about cold fusion and you are talking about BEC. You are making all kinds of assumptions based on theory while I'm trying to describe what is present in the real world. I know how lasers can be used to cool. That is not how lasers are used when they are applied to cold fusion. I know that claims are made that BEC can be produced at room temperature based on how energy fields behave. This, in my opinion, has no relationship to how deuterons behave in PdD. Unfortunately I do not have the time to reach an understanding here, even if this were possible. I can only give you my objections to your conclusions.

On Feb 12, 2013, at 2:51 PM, Kevin O'Malley wrote:

Dr. Storms: A short hand approach has to be used because neither one of us has the time to explain everything in detail. ***Can you please clarify whether you are using some kind of shorthand approach on the Nanocavities thread? Because formation of BECs using lasers to COOL the environment & removing energy from the system was how Dr. Chu got his Nobel Prize. It pointed to the possibility of BECs forming at higher temperatures, and now we have this evidence that BECs can form at room temperature.

On the Nanocavities thread, you wrote
Re: [Vo]:nanocavities
Edmund StormsSun, 10 Feb 2013 08:08:52 -0800

I don't understand your point. Laser stimulation has been done many times and it simply adds energy to the process. Energy can be added by increased temperature and application of applied current, which also increases the power. This changes nothing basic about the process nor reveals how the process works.

On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 7:04 AM, Edmund Storms <> wrote:

Sorry, I thought I had made the point often enough that very little radiation is detected that I got sloppy. The point is that large amounts of energetic radiation are not detected. Yes, a little radiation is detected that is energetic enough to get out of the apparatus. However, a large amount of radiation would be created inside the apparatus. If you read my papers, you would already know exactly what I claim.

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