Gamma Rays: Frequency Range: 1020 - 1024 Hz Wavelength Range: <10exp(-12) m

10 exp(-12) meters = 61.4421235 microns

The nano structure must be less than the wavelength of the radiation,

A BIG peice of nano-material is at or under 100 nanometers. This  is less
than 61 microns so a nano-structure that small can convert a gamma ray to
heat because it is less than the far wavelenth of the radiation.

On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 5:26 PM, Kevin O'Malley <> wrote:

> This example is presented to you to support the point that nanowires can
> concert [convert?] gamma-rays directly into heat is properly configured.
>  ***All kinds of things convert light to heat, such as your skin when you
> go out into the sunshine.  But aren't gamma rays far more energetic than
> basic light?  Is there evidence that gamma rays have converted to heat in
> some kind of metal matrix?

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