As long as the pseudo-skeptics retain the title of 'skeptics' rather than
"true-disbelievers", the tipping point has not been reached.

On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 12:14 PM, Terry Blanton <> wrote:

> Has the internet trumped the skeptics?
> "This supports my hunch that the internet is changing how science is
> done by making the skeptical gate keeping much more difficult.
> Information about consciousness research has spread far and wide and
> its supporters are growing ever more vocal.  Among those supporters is
> a growing group of people who are persistent and engaged enough to do
> battle with the skeptical paradigm.  Their numbers are apparently
> growing from what I’ve seen while the number of skeptics has stayed
> pretty much even.  It looks like the tipping point has been reached.
> Skeptics are not winning."

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