Chris Zell <> wrote:

> There was a scientist named Shapiro who talked about a 'dialog of the
> deaf' as he saw defects in Darwinism . . .

Everyone sees defects in Darwinism, including Darwin. He wrote some of the
sharpest critiques of his own theory. He pointed out many weaknesses,
inconsistencies and incomplete points. The theory has been revised and
expanded since he wrote it. It will continue to be revised for as long as
people do biology. No theory is ever complete. There is never a last word
in science. As Fleischmann said, when you hear people say "this field is
mature" you can be sure it is poised for an unexpected breakthrough.

Darwinism is the best overall answer we have at present. I do not expect a
better one to emerge, but you never know. Creationism is not a theory in
any sense. It cannot be tested for falsified. Proposed replacement
scientific theories such as neo-Lamarkianism are interesting and have some
merit, but I do not think they answer as many questions as elegantly as
Darwinism does.

- Jed

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