Peter Gluck apparently wrote:

> > He takes risks. No report within 1 month, he will lose even his core
> fans.
> > The report will be inconclusive and/or written by
> > unknown "professors" even worse.

I didn't get that message.

I am not sure who the "core fans" would be. I guess all these people who
started web sites about Rossi. He sure does generate enthusiasm. I am a
little surprised so many of them are still going on, given the paucity of
information. He does not encourage them, as far as I know. It is a strange

I am not a "core fan" even though I predict this report is real and will be
published. You never know, because Rossi often changes his mind and his
plans. He may cancel at the last minute. I guess there is some chance he is
making the whole thing up.

He is fun to watch.

- Jed

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