
I'm getting more interested in this event -- well, are there any
images of original documents that you can supply for me to look at ?
-- in June, 1986, I had a "magic save" one night on a train in Mexico,
when I went between the cars in the dark and turned to the right to
lean on the railing, which hadn't been put up in place, so innocently
fell forward toward the cactus at 40-50 mph -- my left hand shot out
and caught a handhold and I brought my right hand over to grip it, and
there I was on tiptoes, perfectly calm, before I stood myself
straight, thinking, "That was really close -- I just nearly died or
got terribly hurt -- I wouldn't try a catch like that for a million
dollars..."  The next morning in Oaxaca, I hand printed a 10 page
letter about it, which I still have -- over the years I slowly came to
appreciate that it was a miracle... no handhold on the right side...
I was going to a 10 day small workshop with Doris Crawford on the
Infinite Way of Joel Sol Goldsmith.

within the fellowship of service, Rich

On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 9:48 AM, Jack Harbach-O'Sullivan
<alset9te...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> REGARDs THE 'POETIC' METAPHOR:  We 'all' are thus relative to common
> origins'
> THE FACTS;  My Dad(a WW-II) bomber pilot veteran was assigned to fly B-29s
> over MIG Ally KOREA the night of July 7th 1951 and his plane esp. engines
> were torn
> to shreds an the aircraft healed over into it's DEATH SPIRAL(beyond to point
> of no return) when a SILVER SHIMMERING ELIPSE 'locked' itself in place between
> front wing and aft aeleron a few feet from the left side fuselage and

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