
what is LGTB ?

each of us is uniquely all of single entire creative open fractal

the tiniest item has the full intimate co-creative collaboration of
the entire all, transcending all systems of times and spaces, so the
"now" is forever actively evolving, with no fixed past, present,
future for anything...

it's good to play with thoughts that open as widely as possible...

any form of good versus evil can readily be left behind...

only unity is here, always, and it's very nice to itself...

within the fellowship of service,  Rich

On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 9:42 PM, Jack Harbach-O'Sullivan
<alset9te...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> THE DYING MATRIX:  BHO, NWO, Etc. yadda yadda adnauseum. . .
> William James as the Father of Psychology notably stated, "The
> first book on psychology there was to read, I first had to write~:^)
> And if William James collaborated with a statistical analysis of
> historical human behaviors relative to believe systems and then
> juxtaposed predictable 'trends' based on  SYNCHRONOS real
> occurances: BUT empirical stuff OUTSIDE THE SELF FULLFILLING
> PROPHESY predictability:  What would he have determined. . . ?
> If James would have been able to collaborate with Carl Jung and Campbell
> relative to SYMBOLIC ARCHETYPES in the developmental ('awareness?')
> of the Collective Consciousness that is man. . .  BUT NOT ignore the
> REAL EMPIRICAL PHENOMENON that indeed seems to jibe with
> Jungian/Campbellesque PREDICTIBILITY of Symbolic Currents
> of Homo-Sap's collective behaviors. . . WOULD THEY FINALLY
> ? Would this be a necessity to AVOID inevitable PARADOX or merely
> to EXPLAIN the PARADOX as NOT ultimately PARADOXICAL. .  and
> there fore 'real' and 'true' in real-time.  Oh but then to wrestle with
> transdimensional and transtemporal causality thrown into the mix. . .
> what a mind 'job!'
> In short the COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS is somewhat 'more'
> Thrown into the 'above' analytical construct; how do you think that
> ISLAM embraces the notion that BHO is/was a LGTB-Street Hustler
> as well as Arch Ruler of the NWO and Proclaimed to be a God?
> Nero was a LGTB-Street Hustler as well who was Arch Ruler
> of the Old World Order fascist Planet-State that is a 'model'
> for the NWO fascist Planet-State and Proclaimed to be a God. . . fancy that
> . . .
>> >

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