Yes I agree with your summary, Terry - but it does not have to be
"either/or" in terms of repulsion/attraction. "Both" is possible.

Take a lot at his patent application. He is doing something different.

It's hard to say what is different, unless you speak good German, but I hope
you will take a closer look in the context of what you experienced at "M". 

Patrick Kelly has a partial translation on his site.

-----Original Message-----
From: Terry Blanton 

Just one other statement.  Magnets in repulsion can be made to appear
to be successful in a magmo.  But the magnets are degraded in each
cycle of the motor, much like striking the magnet with a hammer in
each cycle.  Eventually it fails.

Magnetic motors working in attraction mode do not degrade the magnets;
but, my experience is that the cycle is conservative.

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