To go a bit further .. which is way out on a fragile limb

                … in thermodynamics, heat goes to a heat-sink but spin plays
no role. In spin-dynamics, spin goes to a spin-sink and heat plays no role.
The two should be combined, in order to accurately calculate CoE.

                That is a bit naïve but essentially it summarizes this
hypothesis - as epitomized in the reality of a magmo which captures magnetic
spin by incorporating the spin-sink (macro-level of torque) as the essential
feature of its operation.

                                From: David Roberson 
                                If it performed that well, then it would be
interesting.  That amount of power extracted over such a long time period
would represent a large amount of energy.  I tend to think of the energy
stored in a magnet as being relatively small since you can take an
unmagnetized piece of material and magnetize it with a modest amount of
input energy.  Since I have a hang up concerning COE, I assume that there is
the same amount of energy available as is needed to achieve that state. 
                Dave - Your point about CoE is exactly the one which I was
struggling to address in the first post. I think that energy (redefined) is

                If CoE is based on thermodynamics, and does not fully
account for spin energy, then it does not mean that we abandon conservation
of energy – only that we start including spin as part of the energy to be

                The end result is that far more energy can be derived from
certain specialty materials – especially when they are manufactured and
processed in a certain way (nano-geometry and magnetic conditioning come to
mind) … but when you account for (spin + thermodynamics) the that higher
value is still conserved.



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