On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 10:07 PM, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:
> Harry
>> In stars deuterons formation begins with the fusion of two protons
> into a diproton.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proton%E2%80%93proton_chain_reaction
>> Since the diproton is very unstable it usually fissions soon after by
> emitting a positron and a neutrino.
> This is not accurate. The diproton fissions back into two protons the vast
> majority of the time. The Wiki article is not well-worded on this point but
> later on it corrects the misunderstanding. It is only the rare occasion
> where the positron is emitted - otherwise the Sun would burn up its fuel too
> quickly.

I caught my mistake and made another post correcting it.

> In RPF, Reversible Proton Fusion - the two protons which are immediately
> split from nascent He-2 are technically not the original two protons which
> fused, since there has been color charge alteration in the quarks during the
> brief instant when they were fused.
>> However, occasionally one of the protons transforms into a neutron by
> emitting a beta and a neutrino before fission occurs. This results in a
> stable deuteron. If this is correct, then a deuteron is stable because it is
> in a lower energy state than the diproton.
> Actually The neutron has mass slightly larger than that of a proton:
> 939.565378 MeV compared to 938.272046 MeV. Consequently, a deuteron has
> slightly more mass than a diproton.
> That is one of the many reasons why the reaction on the Sun, the one that
> results in a deuteron is extraordinarily rare. It is basically endothermic.

There something weird here. Usually a system is considered stable when
it is in lower energy state.
Mass can't be equivalent energy when used as measure of stability.


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