Susanna Gipp <> wrote:

I would better title this thread as "pictures of 1MW E-cat towing".
> Who didn't recognize the same Oct 2011 demo big box at the Bologna's
> facility?

It is the same one, isn't it? This is the 1 MW reactor, not the "hot cat."
That's smaller than 1 MW isn't it?

This is being taken somewhere to be tested, by someone name Fabiani. These
photos are prefaced with a letter:

Dear Doc.Rossi,

please, find the photos of 24H performace test of the MW1-Ecat made on
april 30 – may 01 and the photos of when it has been transported from
Bologna to Ferrara to pepare it for the test.

Best regards
M.Eng. F.Fabiani

- Jed

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