There's non need to compare scratches for who carefully followed the 2011
Oct demo.
What i wanted to point out is that A.R. promised pictures of the customer
delivery of three assets but what we saw is just the moving of the same old
box from a dismissing facility (bologna) to the new one (Ferrara).
I know that for hard believing fans these worth gold but for us poor
skeptics it looks like one of our smart energy hero's countless jokes.

2013/5/3 Alan Fletcher <>

> At 12:10 PM 5/3/2013, you wrote:
>> I would better title this thread as "pictures of 1MW E-cat towing".
>> Who didn't recognize the same Oct 2011 demo big box at the Bologna's
>> facility?
> I suppose you could compare the scratch marks etc etc.
> Myself, I would have taken greater care to strap down all the connectors.
> <**y1smh83jt/<>
> >
> The one at the bottom-left, with the blue tip, is going to go cachonka -
> cachonka - cocahonka for twenty days. I wonder if it will survive the trip.

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