Begin forwarded message:

From: Edmund Storms <>
Date: May 20, 2013 9:11:57 AM MDT
Cc: Edmund Storms <>
Subject: Re: CMNS: Rossi's 3rd party test released:

Before we get too excited. I think two questions need to be answered.

1. When was the calibration done and under what conditions. The amount of heat being radiated depends on the value of the effective total emissivity of the surface. This value will change with time and temperature. Therefore, the value needs to be determined as a function of temperature both before and after the hot-cat was heated. Details about how the temperature of the surface was determined also need to be provided. A detailed description of the test is required before these claims can be accepted.

2. How long does the hot-cat function at such high temperatures? This time will determine whether the device is a practical source of energy. The extra energy may be real, but if it only lasts a short time before the NAE is destroyed, the value of the design is limited.

Ed Storms
On May 19, 2013, at 9:47 PM, Daniel Rocha wrote:

Daniel Rocha - RJ

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