It is necessary to see radiation being emitted by the ECATs in a more 
controlled environment.  Why assume that radiation is potentially a safety 
issue when it has not been detected except possibly in this one case?  Are 
there other reports that can be correlated?

Had Celani been in the room and seen an event that corresponded with the 
release then perhaps so.   Jed may have found the correct idea when he joked 
that maybe the cosmic ray triggered both the instruments and Rossi's reactor at 
the same time.  I suspect that no one would doubt that there is sufficient 
energy within a cosmic ray to trigger most nuclear events.

I for one do not want to tag these LENR devices as being radiation sources 
unless they in fact are shown to be in that category.  The limitations that 
apply under such a designation will seriously restrict their deployment.


-----Original Message-----
From: DJ Cravens <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Tue, May 21, 2013 1:52 pm
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Celani detects gamma emissions during the January 14, 2011 
Rossi Test

Perhaps Rossiwas adding some catalyst.   

Forexample, perhaps his source of Ni 62 is slightly radioactive  (say itwas 
prepared via neutron activation of other Ni isotopes saythere was some Ni   63m 
in it).

Then it might registerwhen the catalyst was accessed.




Subject: RE: [Vo]:Celani detects gamma emissions during the January 14, 2011 
Rossi Test
Date: Tue, 21 May 2013 19:26:01 +0200

Thank you Jed to remindme this exchange you had with Celani. I was not fully 
aware of every detail. WhenI was reading, an idea come to me mind. Could it be 
possible that the secretsauce of Rossi is a gamma emitter? I explain myself: 
Secretly, Rossi could haveopened his reactor to adjust something inside then 
closed the reactor back. In themeantime, Celani detected an increase of gamma 
emission. A low frequency gamma (25~50keV) could be easily shielded. If Rossi 
opened his reactor, then vacuum shouldbe applied prior to reload with H2. The 
noise of a vacuum pump can not be hiddeneasily. Celani and al should have heard 
it as well. Rossi isn’t fool toput air and H2 inside a closed vessel …
Unfortunately, we don’thave the wavelength of the emission. I don’t want to 
play the sceptichere. Can Celani say that he is sure that Rossi didn’t open his 
reactorwhile they were waiting behind the door?

From:Jed Rothwell [] 
Sent: mardi 21 mai 2013 15:48
Subject: [Vo]:Celani detects gammaemissions during the January 14, 2011 Rossi 


[Here is a message I posted in 2011]


Celani detects gamma emissions during the January 14, 2011 Rossi Test

Villa reported no gamma emissions or other radiation significantly 
abovebackground from the Rossi device. Celani, however, said that he did 
detectsomething. Here are the details he related to me at ICCF16, from my notes 
andwith corrections from Celani.

Celani attended the demonstration on Jan. 14. The device did not work at 
first.He and others were waiting impatiently in a room next to the room with 
thedevice. He estimates that he was around 6 m from the device. He had 
twobattery-powered detectors:

1.      A sodium iodide gamma detector (NaI), set for 1 sacquisition time.

2.      A Geiger counter (model GEM Radalert II, PerspectiveScientific), which 
was set to 10 s acquisition time.

Both were turned on as he waited. The sodium iodide detector was in count 
moderather than spectrum mode; that is, it just tells the number of counts 

Both showed what Celani considers normal background for Italy at thatelevation.

As he was waiting, suddenly, during a 1-second interval both detectors 
weresaturated. That is to say, they both registered counts off the scale. 
Thefollowing seconds the NaI detector returned to nomal. The Geiger counter had 
tobe switched off to “delete” the “overrange,” which was>7.5 microsievert/hour, 
and later switched on again.

About 1 to 2 minutes after this event, Rossi emerged from the other room 
andsaid the machine just turned on and the demonstration was underway.

Celani commented that the only conventional source of gamma rays far from 
anuclear reactor would be a rare event: a cosmic ray impact on the 
atmosphereproducing proton storm shower of particles. He and I agreed it is 
extremelyunlikely this happened coincidentally the same moment the reactor 
started . . .Although, come to think of it, perhaps the causality is reversed, 
and thecosmic ray triggered the Rossi device.

Another scientist said perhaps both detectors malfunctioned because of 
anelectromagnetic source in the building or some other prosaic source. 
Celaniconsiders this unrealistic because he also had in operation 
battery-operatedradio frequency detectors: an ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) and 
RF (COMenvironmental microwave monitor), both made by Perspective Scientific. 
No radiofrequency anomalies were detected. I remarked that it is also 
unrealisticbecause the two gamma detectors are battery powered and they work on 
differentprinciples. The scientist pointed to neutron detectors in an early 
cold fusionexperiment that malfunctioned at a certain time of day every day 
because someequipment in the laboratory building was turned on every day. That 
sort ofthing can happen with neutron detectors, which are finicky, but this 
Geigercounter is used for safety monitoring. Such devices have to be rugged 
andreliable or they will not keep you safe, so I doubt it is easy to fool one 

Celani expresses some reservations about the reality of the Rossi device. 
Givenhis detector results I think it would be more appropriate for him to 
questionthe safety of it.

When Celani went in to see the experiment in action, he brought out the 
sodiumiodide detector and prepared to change it to spectrum mode, which would 
givehim more information about the ongoing reaction. Rossi objected 
vociferously,saying the spectrum would give Celani (or anyone else who see it), 
all theyneed to know to replicate the machine and steal Ross's intellectual 

Celani later groused that there is no point to inviting scientists to a demo 
ifyou have no intentions of letter them use their own instruments. 
(Note,however, that Levi et al. did use their own instruments.)


Jacques Dufour also attended the demonstration. He does not speak much 
Italian,so he could not follow the discussion. He made some observations, 
including onethat I consider important, namely that the outlet pipe was far too 
hot totouch. That means the temperature of it was over 70 deg C. That, in 
turn,proves there was considerable excess heat. McKubre and others have said 
theoutlet temperature sensor was too close to the body of the device. Others 
havequestioned whether the steam was really dry or not. If the question is 
whetherthe machine really produced heat or not, these factors can be ignored. 
All youneed to know is the temperature of the tap water going in (15°C), the 
flow rateand the power input (400 W). At that power level the outlet pipe would 
be~30°C. Celani points out that the input power was quite unstable, 
fluctuatingbetween 400 and 800 W, but it was still not large enough to explain 
the excessheat.

Celani did not see the steam emerge from the end of the pipe, but he 
reportedthe whistling sound of steam passing through the pipe. I think there is 
noquestion the water boiled, and much of it was vaporized, so there was 
massiveexcess heat. Celani complained that phase-change calorimetry is 
toocomplicated, but I think he exaggerates the difficulty. I agree that the 
actualcalorimetric method could be improved, especially with a 5-minute test of 
steamsparged into a container of cold water.

Here are a couple of additional comments from Celani:

a) The NaI (Tl) gamma detector had an energy range from 25 to 2000 keV;

b) Celani asked, in several public mail to Rossi, that for a 
conclusiveSCIENTIFIC demonstration of such wonderful device, the maximum 
temperature ofthe outgoing water has to be <90°C so that CONVENTIONAL flow 
calorimetry canbe used (rather than phase-change calorimetry). 


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