> From: "Andrew" <andrew...@att.net>
> Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 11:14:14 AM
> My very first post here, so be gentle. 

   Yeah ... suuuuuuuure ...

> 3.  You'll notice that the plot for Plutonium has the axes
> erroneously  swapped.

It's been fixed in the article. Also the Power density for Plutonium 
(originally 50) was probably for the electric output and not raw heat. Upgraded 
to 500. 


> 6. The missing test piece is electrical output. Same engineering
> issue as with any nuclear reactor; to turn heat into electricity.

That was the motivation behind the hot-cat : the current operating temperature 
of around 300C is likely a good fit with the Siemens turbine they are 
purportedly experimenting with.

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