On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 11:14 PM, Andrew <andrew...@att.net> wrote:

> **
> Do you believe that, by fiddling with the exponent n and the emissivity e,
> you can show that P could be in actuality 3 times lower (roughly) than is
> calculated in the report? For if you can, then you've reduced COP to unity.

No, I never thought that for the March experiment (where the COP was 3),
where they measure the emissivity. In that experiment, a pretty simple
deception illustrated in the videos I posted can explain the alleged COP.

I was more suspicious of the December experiment, where they did not
measure the emissivity, but those suspicions have been largely allayed by
Pekka's calculations, and my subsequent similar calculations. Only the
non-grey body considerations may have an effect, but it's a very long shot.

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