> From: "Joshua Cude" <joshua.c...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Monday, May 27, 2013 3:02:02 PM

> I'm talking about the December test, when a different paint was used.
> I don't think we know anything about the emissivity of that paint,
> nor it's dependence on wavelength.
Then forget about  the December test. The authors admit that it had certain 
deficiencies, which were corrected in March.

> In the March test, the power estimate was better, though far from
> good, but the input was dodgier.

OK --- so you agree that the March output is correct to .... say 25% ? 50%  ?

Then  comes down to the input. 


a) It was AC and the measurements are fine  (say to 10%)
b) Rossi used a wire or DC or ... fake
c) They're all bought and paid by Rossi.


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