On Mon, Jun 3, 2013 at 4:31 PM, a.ashfield <a.ashfi...@verizon.net> wrote:
> Having tried to edit something on the wiki E-CAT page and having it
> immediately deleted, I ended up writing this on the "Topic Talk" page. It
> probably won't do any good but if enough people do this (anyone can) ....
> They say there are 1000- 7000 hits per day on the E-CAT page.

Just a quick semi-relevant comment.  There is a LENR group on Reddit:
http://www.reddit.com/r/lenr and Reddit provides a Wiki facility for
subreddits (= Reddit groups). I don't know how sympathethic the owners
of that subreddit (e.g. the LENR subreddit moderators) are to the
cause, but you can create your own subreddit and edit its Wiki as you
see fit.

I have used Reddit's Wiki facilities and while they are not as
extensive as those of Wikipedia they are good enough.

Reddit is also very good for having discussions thanks to its voting
system that keeps trolls and spammers at bay while still giving
everyone a chance to voice their opinion (using a combination of
throttling and votes.)  It also allows anonymous discussion which is
good for controversial, career-endangering fields such as LENR.

I love the mailing list format as its dependence on third-party
infrastructure is minimal and replaceable but it's a bit too easy for
opponents to flood and derail discussions.
Berke Durak

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