On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 6:34 PM, Roger B <rogerbi...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> I have been a lurker for a short while, but I figured if skeptopaths are
> allowed here, I should also be accepted.
> I think a simple way to deal with skeptopaths is to make a rule that no one
> may be here who does not accept the reality of LENR.  There are plenty of
> forums where disbelievers in LENR are welcomed.  This would leave the rest
> of us to discuss LENR and LENR+ and Rossi et. al. in peace and good sense.

Welcome.   This is kinda covered in rule 2:

"Vortex-L is a big nasty nest of 'true believers' (hopefully having
some tendency to avoid self-deception,) and skeptics may as well leave
in disgust."

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