Agreed, Mr. "cude" doesn't seem to be able to control himself.

Yes, every once in a while we pick up a staunch Skeptic who can't seem to read Rule 2.

I have no rule against trolls here. And I have little problem with small-s skepticism. But in part, rule 2 is there to stop the irrational types whose intellectually dishonest, even anti-science behavior tends to ruin any thoughtful discussion or even to drive out all else.

Remember, the core symptom of pseudoscience is the inability to either admit errors or to re-think earlier conclusions. Pseudoscientists display "utterly certain knowledge" and little tentative attitude. This, as opposed to we Crackpots :) whose main symptom is to take seriously the things which can't possibly be real since "The Scientists would already have discovered this."

And also remember, those like "Cude" are the very reason why Vortex-L exists. We need odd science discussions without heavy moderator censorship and constant banning, but also without the time-wastage and disruptions from crowds of the un-swayable activist Disbeliever persuasion. Again I find that even one such Disbeliever can be trouble.

Mr. Cude is removed to VortexB. To pursue that stuff, subscribe to vortexB-L same way as with vortex-L.

Again, (and again and again), any who wish to appear as being scientific should USE REAL NAMES HERE.

Highly profesional is: as in academia, put CV and contact info in your sig on each and every msg. What you say will stick to you forever, so merely remain on best behavior always. If you're a lowly grad student or an uneducated amateur, be proud of this fact and advertise it. This sort of bend-over-backwards honesty shows that you really get what science is about, and it draws far higher respect from your colleagues than hiding behind a fake username.

Anonymity tends to be toxic.  But as for lacking real credentials...

  "There are children playing in the street who could solve some of my
  top problems in physics, because they have modes of sensory perception
  that I lost long ago."  - R. Oppenheimer

Nice quote on the WP page on pseudoskepticism:
 " genuine skepticism of the benign sort that looks evenly in all
  directions and encourages the advancement of knowledge seems vanishingly
  rare.  Instead, we find a prevalence of pseudo-skepticism consisting of
  harsh and invidious skepticism toward one's opponents' points of view
  and observations, and egregious self-congratulatory confirmatory bias
  toward one's own stances and findings, misrepresented as the earnest and
  dispassionate pursuit of clinical, scholarly, and scientific truth."

Scientist-skeptics are, ideally, humble and self-critical besides being abnormally honest. If we observe no trace of either one, that's when we know we're dealing with a faker.

(((((((((((((((((( ( (  (   (    (O)    )   )  ) ) )))))))))))))))))))
William J. Beaty                            SCIENCE HOBBYIST website
billb at amasci com               
EE/programmer/sci-exhibits   amateur science, hobby projects, sci fair
Seattle, WA  206-762-3818    unusual phenomena, tesla coils, weird sci

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