I'm not sure if this is the right way to reply to Peter's  recent blog
guess I'll find out.

"Dear Peter,
   Your little essay was rather nicley framed and appropriate at any time.
I especially smiled at your explanation of extremism, which I think has
some truth to it.  Scientism, mysticism, and many other isms, are as you
say, very often taken beyond extremism and constitutes a 'bad' and inimical
twist in the affairs of man.  Like many of you, I have encountered mad
scientists' who proclaim their truth and insist that it, and it alone
should be followed pretty much exactly.  They are, in actual fact, simply
then acting as idealogues.   They take their place among the myriad other
ideologues, mostly religious, but also various other, too often fanatical
cults, groups, organizations, beurocracies, etc who throughout history have
maintained themselves in more or less control of large segments of society
(or energietically tried to).  In a word, scientists are people;  with all
that that entails and implies.

   As a biologist, it is expected that I see our species in context of our
planet's living world.  Man as a species (nowperforce the God species)
possesses the  magic emergent property of complex mental, non-material,
activity, self awareness, culture, etc.  We all know that this gift
is bound by, comes from, and relies solely on, the common earthly
biological system;  in fact, it all resides in the evolved central nervous
system that was inherited out of parts of the Universe.

   However, Everyone does not, in fact,  know this; or we do not believe
it, or are forgetful of it.  It is so very curious that this most
important, really  most obvious feature of our whole existence is so
oblivously taken for granted and for the most part forgotten entirely for
long stretches, or entirely.  Similarly, we all 'know' that some of our
fellow animals also have capable central nervous systems, and our near
relatives are, in fact, exceedingly smart. They clearly possess sefl
awareness, culture, and many other manifestations of high mental activity,
usch as society, compassion, even a primitive and undeveloped sense of
mysticism or protoreligion.  It is quite an obvious biological fact that
some of these animals are well equipped to, infutre, evolve exactly the
same kind and level of mental acrobatics as humans------ and they surely

  It should be  obvious too, that Life consists of  moment-to-moment
continous series of external stimuli interacting with our nervous systems.
In essence, for us and our cousins, everything begins and relies on the
incomprehensibly complex multitude of neruonal firings going on inside our
head.  In the end, some of these 'firings' leads some wolves to coordinate
with others to decide to kill a moose for their all important well being.
Some other neural patterns, in humans, results in a loud prayer to their
preferred God, or in shooting a grouse for dinner, or in mass murders,  etc
   So, as has been eloquently expounded by generations of poets, mystics,
religious and other writers, we do, as a human species have a fairly clear
view of ourselves floating, apparently alone, on a globe in a huge
unverse.  Significantly, what people also have (along with many of the less
far-along species, like wolf packs, chimpanzee bands, or elephants and
others) is a seemingly intermittent, hazy floating, and often subconscious
, understanding that we are alive and that our continued existence is bound
up with our surroundings,  or our pack, or band or tribe, or flock.

   To Peter's plaint then, my point might be that we of mankind are all of
a feather, and will hang together, or separately.  In the meantime,
however, the incredible variation among individuals ensures that messy
evolution (biological as well as socia) will continue to happen;   Thus
unfortunately ensuring that the lives of individuals, and their
interactions will continue to be, at various times and places bloody, or
brutish, sometimes sublime, sometimes pleasant, but commonly uneven and
uncertain. I believe we are making progess but--------------.

On Sun, Jun 16, 2013 at 5:31 AM, Peter Gluck <peter.gl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Readers,
> I have just published:
> http://egooutpeters.blogspot.ro/2013/06/lenr-and-scientism.html
> It is a proof that I don't fear sensitive, somewhat even nasty subjects
> and I try to
> make an interview with you all regarding the present and the future of
> I hope to learn from your feedback. Please surprise me with your
> promptitude and sincerity
> Peter
> --
> Dr. Peter Gluck
> Cluj, Romania
> http://egooutpeters.blogspot.com

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