"Your only question should be whether or not the total heat is what is being  
measured by the camera system, not how it is generated."

'Nonsense!  If the input was faked, then the output is meaningless.  I have 
suggested a simple trick to add a constant ~400 Watts to the input power level, 
and that extra amount just happens to exactly explain the entire output power 
level.  That doesn't prove that Rossi used this trick, but it certainly suggest 
that he could have done so.' 

You missed the point.  I was only discussing the output power in this section 
and not referring to the input at all.  That is a different issue.

'For starters, CERN isn't selling "franchises" to the Higgs Boson.  CERN 
doesn't rely on "secret" customers and "secret" experts to validate their work. 
 Etc, etc.'

In either case, the proof is not there for a high bar.  Do you suggest that 
there is no doubt about the claim of the Higgs being discovered?  This is true 
for just about every scientific discovery in the past.  One can always cast 

'There seems to be a lot of that going on among the believers.  Rossi's setup 
makes it impossible to distinguish the heat being generated by the heating 
elements from the heat (if any) being generated by the E-Cat.  There is no 
particular reason for that to be intrinsic to the process.  Rossi could have 
easily provided a larger furnace, and then put thermocouples directly on the 
actual E-Cat (the inner cylinder) AND the inside of the furnace, allowing 
direct measurements of both.  If the E-Cat got hotter than the furnace, it 
would be clear evidence that the E-Cat was generating its own energy.  If not, 
then it was just a passive component.  But Rossi chose not to set it up that 
way, and the testers obligingly went along with him.'

Come on now.  Rossi is not inclined to make a large number of individual 
systems just to satisfy skeptics.  What he did is adequate if one accepts the 
camera system as being accurate.  He would be foolish to continue to modify the 
device for your enjoyment.
''But that's not true.  When he was doing his "steam" demos, he kept getting a 
COP of about 6, which just happens to be the "error" rate if one isn't really 
converting the vast majority of water into steam.  And now, he's getting a COP 
of 2.5, which just happens to be exactly the "error" one would see if one were 
secretly using that extra, "dead" wire to add an extra 400 Watts or so.'
'But that's not true.  When he was doing his "steam" demos, he kept getting a 
COP of about 6, which just happens to be the "error" rate if one isn't really 
converting the vast majority of water into steam.  And now, he's getting a COP 
of 2.5, which just happens to be exactly the "error" one would see if one were 
secretly using that extra, "dead" wire to add an extra 400 Watts or so.'

You missed the point here.  A higher COP would have been in his favor.  He has 
no reason to claim a low COP in all the public writings if he intended to 
commit fraud.  I would have chosen a higher one just as you if if was not going 
to be proven.


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