Yes, the next environmental disaster.  Global slowing..

On Sun, Jul 7, 2013 at 12:24 PM, H Veeder <> wrote:

> So they want to use the Earth's rotation like a flywheel?
> Harry
> On Sun, Jul 7, 2013 at 3:16 PM, Terry Blanton <> wrote:
>> Grimer seems to think it work:
>> Grimer:
>> Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 3:52 pm    Post subject:   Another Claim to a
>> Working Device
>> *Grimer wrote:*
>> *I think I am beginning to grasp one of the essential requirements for a
>> gravity mill. *
>> *One must have a closed path for the weights on one side of the main
>> axle but no *
>> *closed path on the other. *
>> *In other words we must have at least two centres of motion for the
>> weights. *
>> *We probably need three but preventing structure as a whole moving
>> relative *
>> *to the earth will possibly give us the third.*
>> LOL. It's all to do with the conservation of energy.
>> Each energy derivative is conserved. The two familiar ones are of course
>> the first and second derivatives, Momentum and Force x distance. We can
>> think off these as velocity "energy" and acceleration energy. We could add
>> conservation of heat within an insulated space as a third familiar
>> conservation.
>> But all derivatives must be conserved since we are talking in all cases
>> of more and more complicated examples of the basic conservation, the
>> conservation of momentum.
>> So jerk is conserved, snap is conserved, crackle is conserved, pop is
>> conserved and all higher as yet unnamed derivatives are also conserved.
>> Heat covers a range of derivatives depending on the number of independent
>> particle motions involved.
>> To return to the subject in hand, if we have a simple closed path which
>> weaves in and out towards a single axle centre then though we have plenty
>> of change in acceleration towards the centre (jerk), the positive jerk on
>> the one side is necessarily balanced by the negative jerk on the other and
>> so there is no net gain in energy.
>> However, if we have a major and a minor centre and we loop around the
>> minor centre on one side but not on the other then we have more jerk energy
>> on one side than the other. So we can use the jerk vector to unbalance the
>> wheel - which is basically what Trevor is trying to do - and the Boys from
>> Brazil as well for that matter.
>> <end quote>
>> Extensive discussion in this thread.

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