The homeostatic mechanisms of these systems embody a kind of intelligence
that is all-too-frequently attributed to "conspiracy".  This is complicated
by the fact that genuine conspiratorial behavior is sometimes involved.  It
is further complicated by the vague definition of "conspiracy" as the word
is used in rhetorical conflict.  I find it helpful to think of these
homeostatic mechanisms as a kind of intelligence that is so alien to human
intelligence that we have difficulty conceptualizing it.  In this respect
it is similar to our difficulty in conceptualizing the homeostatic
mechanisms of our own bodies that include incredibly sophisticated systems
such as immune response.

If we could somehow get a better conceptual handle on the structure of
these mechanisms it might become practical to disrupt them so that progress
can proceed.

On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 10:38 AM, Edmund Storms <>wrote:

> Of course LENR is denied by the West. The technology is a real and
> profound danger to the West. It would undermine the economics of the energy
> industries, on which the West is built, and it would give the Third world,
> including China and India, great advantage. The people in charge in the
> West may seem stupid in their policies, but they are fully aware of the
> danger LENR represents. The West will be forced to accept the technology
> eventually, but not because an intelligent approach was used to develop and
> take advantage of the technology. No, they will have to accept the working
> generators built in and controlled by China or some other country, such as
> Sweden.  LENR not only has the ability to make energy cheaper but it will,
> in the process, change the power structure of the world, just as discovery
> of atomic weapons did. This subject may be a fun intellectual game to
> scientists; it is a life and death issue to some industries and social
> structures.
> On Sep 23, 2013, at 3:52 AM, Alain Sepeda wrote:
> Did you notice that Cold fusion was treated much more in a balanced way in
> Chinese and japanese .
> translated:
> translated:
> lenr-canr is not blacklisted, and you find reference to many positions.
> what does it inspire you?
> is LENR denial a western problem?

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