From: Jed Rothwell 


Jones Beene wrote:


Nice insight. You got that exactly right: vorticians (and creative,
open-minded people in general) seem to be at the low end of the
"authoritarianism" scale, as defined by... who else? one Professor
Altemeyer. LOL.


Why is this funny? 


. well, I went on (to try) to explain the "punage" . but it must have been a
bit too arcane. To wit:


"Curiously. for the name-phreaks amongst us, the German word meier, from
which the surname Meyer derives, was a status name for a landowner or


Thus, Professor "Altemeyer" would loosely translate as "high level overseer"
or . ta da: "authoritarian" and this is reflected in his chosen work, or
specialty - authoritarianism.


There is a fascinating sub-genre of puns called "names that work" . made
semi-famous by journalist Herb Caen. you know . a Jazzman named Strayhorn,
or an evangelist named Sunday, or a baseball player named Homer. 



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