This image shows the RAR Energia device moving at its maximum
rotational velocity:
(I'm not sneering, I'm snarking!)

- Brad

On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 9:00 AM, Foks0904 . <> wrote:
> Well Mr. Franks bailed preemptively. For anyone else whose interested:
> Oriani, Excess Heat, Fusion Technology:
> Morrison-Fleischman debate about Fleischman's published calorimetry in
> Physics Letters:
> On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 11:47 AM, Foks0904 . <> wrote:
>> Please don't unsubscribe Mr. Franks. Your tact is unparalleled and would
>> surely be missed.
>> On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 11:40 AM, John Franks <> wrote:
>>>> What is "wrong with the data" Mr. Franks? Specifically the Excess Heat
>>>> data. What artifacts are present in the calorimetry? Point out to me the
>>>> peer reviewed critiques of researchers' calorimetry that have stood the 
>>>> test
>>>> of time.
>>> Wow! Was it you claiming one group had 100% repeatability or another
>>> 70-80%. If that is the case, why are you arguing with me?
>>>> Don't bring nonsense complaints that no theory can account for the
>>>> effect. Who demanded a theory right away for superconductivity? How about
>>>> excess heat coming off radium in early 20th century? Show me how the heat
>>>> measurements are wrong.
>>> Silly rabbit. They had something working. (see my first response above).
>>>> I asked you this in the your orphaned thread on recombination, which you
>>>> quickly abandoned. I pointed out to you that the "Big 3" objections
>>>> (recombination, stirring, cigarette lighter effect) had all been accounted
>>>> for and answered between 1989 and 1994.
>>>  If you are quoting stuff from that long ago, where is the monograph.
>>> Where are the graduate level courses at top institutions teaching this as
>>> you seem to regard it as common knowledge.
>>> You people are not scientists, or even engineers. You are journalists,
>>> activists, the awkward squad who mistake shouting, posturing, getting
>>> "liked" on facebook or youtube as the process of doing science.
>>> All I have to report, as ever, is that Cold Fusion is a dead subject full
>>> of wannabes, the mentally ill and geriatrics, since no self-respecting young
>>> person would waste time learning useless "knowledge" in this subject.

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