too funny.

I will see if my coment is published...

not too aggressive (you can check):

"High, not the least doubt on E-cat after it is backed by Cherokee fund, by
Elforsk, by Chinese in Baoding HIDZ ?

Did you ever read "Excess Heat" by Charles Beaudette (PDF available on Uni
Tsinghua ICCF9 site, by the author)...
If you don't agree with his position, he have many citations, unlike many
books on the same subject... you can check your beliefs...

do you know more critics on the calorimetry, othjer than the only 4
calorimetry critics that are all rebuted and abandonned ?
Is there any compatible with recent result to explain the many publication
(mincluding peer-reviewed by mainstream magazine like JJAP or Journal of
Electroanalytical chemistry)?

what would make you change opinion (probably it is already done and you
don't know it, or it is not scientific)

you should really read data, read Beaudette, or some executive summary on
LENR, to avoid being surprised like the majority of uninformed people.

Did you know DoE todays accept LENR projects for IDEA funding.
That NASA pays Doug Wells for 2013-2014 seedling project on LENR plane
That DoD fund LENR hidden as nanotech (it is also).
That US navy replicates ENEA and SRI experiments.
that Elforsk (the Swedish EPRI) publicly supported E-cat after having
funded the test that convinced Cherokee.

all deluded and incompetent...
or maybe...
maybe someone else is deluded.

who invoke conspiracy theories ? who simply used Groupthink theory, which
is validated by many recent scandal (look for roland beabou groupthing
article on collective delusions).

good reading."

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