The commercial preparation of nanoparticles is usually done using the arc
discharge method.

In the arc process, high heat is used on the material until it evaporates
and forms a vapor. When the vapor cools it condenses forming nanoparticles.
This process has been used previously to prepare nanoparticles of aluminum,
silicon, copper oxide, zinc oxide gold, silver, carbon nitrogen, potassium,
sodium, and hydrides. In the near future this method will be extended to
other materials as well. The benefit of this method is nanoparticles can be
prepared from relatively affordable bulk materials.

On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 8:15 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:

> You are using EUV production as proof for the existence of hydrinos, but
> another source of this radiation exists in the environment that hydrinos
> are purported to exist.
> This fact invalidates this proof unless Mills proves that the EUV is
> coming from the hydrino and only the hydrino and not nanoparticles.
> On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 7:38 PM, Mike Carrell <> wrote:
>> Framk, the hydrino transition radiation is in the low nanometer range, to
>> which everything is opaque and be seen only with vacuum ultraviolet
>> spectroscopy. That region is also called ‘soft X-rays’. That fact causes
>> difficulty in extracting the energy; you can just let the reactor get hot –
>> but that is inefficient. The elegance of CIHT technology is charge
>> separation, so the device looks to the outside world like a battery. The
>> efficiency of MHD conversion is theoretically very high.
>> Pay careful attention to Mills’ language. The **peak** power output of
>> the SF-CIHT reaction is very, very high. The proposed device fires pulses
>> at high speed, but the average power output will depend on design factors.
>> Mike Carrell

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