The dependence of the atomic energy levels on a superstrong magnetic field
with account of a finite nucleus radius and mass

At magnetic fields = 1016 Gauss the Coulomb potential of the nucleus
becomes screened due to large irradiative corrections (B0 = 1013 G = 4:4_109
T). This leads in particular to the freezing of the ground state energy of
the hydrogen atom at the value E0 = 1.7 keV [1, 2]. This statement is
correct up to the values of the magnetic field at which the Landau radius
becomes close to the radius of the nucleus. For hydrogen this happens at B =
1019 G, where the value of the proton charge radius R = 0:877 fm (see [3])
was used for numerical estimate. The approximation of a pointlike proton is
not valid for B >1019 G,


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