James Bowery <jabow...@gmail.com> wrote:

What I expect to happen next is a new cryptocurrency protocol will be put
> in place that distributes the network effect along with the underlying
> cryptocurrency protocol.

So not only will be it be God-knows-what algorithm, it will be stored
God-only-knows where. My guess? The servers will all be found in Russia.

Bitcoin was developed by a person (or group of people) named Satoshi
Nakamoto. No one has met him. It is probably a pseudonym. I suppose the
code is in the public domain, but seriously, why would anyone trust a
system developed by someone who wants to remain anonymous?!? It seems like
the extreme opposite of what you look for when you want to entrust large
sums of money to an institution.

At that point it is going to be impossible to regulate without driving ever
> more of the cyber economy underground and expanding the black markets.

So, more fools will parted from their money.

If people want to put their money into fake banks, or cash stored under the
mattress, that's their business. As long as they do not demand the
government reimburse them it is okay with me. You can also cut out the
middleman, go to a Los Vegas casino, and hand your money to the criminals

There are plenty of ways to throw away money, hide money, or evade taxes
already. I don't see why we need a new one. This does not seem to be more
of a threat to the establishment than previous versions. It does seem to be
more idiotic than most Ponzi schemes. It has set a new record for bank
robbery, as I said. It combines the greater fool theory with amateur,
do-it-yourself banking and cybersecurity, and the most tempting target for
criminals ever devised: huge sums of money that no one can trace.

- Jed

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