Such is the nature of bets and speculative investing.

On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 3:16 PM, <> wrote:

> In reply to  Axil Axil's message of Mon, 3 Mar 2014 22:24:17 -0500:
> Hi,
> [snip]
> >Don't you remember this item?
> >
> >Castleman and his team -- which includes *Samuel Peppernick*, a former
> Penn
> >State graduate student who now is a postdoctoral researcher at the Pacific
> >Northwest National Laboratory, and *Dasitha Gunaratne*, a Penn State
> >graduate student -- used a technique, called photoelectron imaging
> >spectroscopy, to examine similarities between titanium monoxide and
> nickel,
> >zirconium monoxide and palladium, and tungsten carbide and platinum.
> >"Photoelectron spectroscopy measures the energy it takes to remove
> >electrons from various electronic states of atoms or molecules, while
> >simultaneously capturing snapshots of these electron-detachment events
> with
> >a digital camera," said Castleman.  "The method allows us to determine the
> >binding energies of the electrons and also to observe directly the nature
> >of the orbitals in which the electrons resided before they were detached.
> >We found that the amount of energy required to remove electrons from a
> >titanium-monoxide molecule is the same as the amount of energy required to
> >remove electrons from a nickel atom.  The same is true for the systems
> >zirconium monoxide and palladium and tungsten carbide and platinum.  The
> >key is that all of the pairs are composed of isoelectronic species, which
> >are atoms with the same electron configuration."  Castleman noted that, in
> >this case, the term isoelectronic refers to the number of electrons
> present
> >in the outer shell of an atom or molecule.
> >
> >This means that titanium monoxide can replace nickel in LENR,
> >
> >zirconium monoxide and palladium etc.
> are assuming that only the electron configuration is important. If
> the Ni
> takes part in a nuclear reaction, the electron configuration may not be
> the only
> important aspect.
> Regards,
> Robin van Spaandonk

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