While I appreciate the creativity of the suggestion, I think linking any
physical phenomenon to string/brain/M-theory is something of a fools
errand. Anything that requires the anthropic principal to justify its
existence is no longer a viable scientific theory. It has basically
declared a "end to science" without delivering anything of substance. There
is absolutely no physical test of the "theory", and as Smolin, Woit,
Penrose, Baggot, etc. have pointed out, its gone well beyond the realm of
credulity in its claims and calculations.

There is no evidence, and no logical consequence, linking LENR to String
Theory. Sorry.


On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 10:55 AM, ChemE Stewart <cheme...@gmail.com> wrote:

> That would be my guess.  The vacuum is full of branes of all varying
> energy levels.  They are all decaying at varying rates and form and are
> connected by strings.  Hydrogen appears pop in/pop out and string together
> I think we live on a Brane (6-D core of the Earth) and are immersed in
> this quantum field and our weather disturbances are just high energy branes
> decaying around us.
> Our Doppler radars are interacting with the vacuum in our atmosphere as
> they measure the "weather"
> "The good news is we are not getting older, we are decaying"
> Stewart
> http://darkmattersalot.com/2013/04/15/is-it-our-brane-thats-still-foggy-or-is-it-just-string-theory-for-dummies-me/
> On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 10:43 AM, Rob Dingemans <manonbrid...@aim.com>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Just a thought related to the string theory and the Big Bang inflation
>> theory.
>> Could it be that Branes are the macro version, while LENR is the micro
>> version of the same principle?
>> Kind regards,
>> Rob

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