I do not think the issues with 'bad press'  is a big obstacle for LENR.
Irritating for people who knows better.
This newly proposed association will handle such issues through association
with stronger  associations.
If and when we have sorted out things and can show a life LENR ready for
the market the whole issue of deployments are depending on other factors I
have mentioned before marketing etc.

I have read your suggested papers and I think that was very interesting. A
few new things (for me) but under all circumstances a good story and given
the history I think it is easy to see how the future will play out. I am
sure you must agree that it is not going to happen fast. I think it is at
least ten years until we can go to Home Depot and buy a LENR. (If we have a
working product this year.)
Angela Merkel is a politician. She wants to steer Germany away from nuclear
energy because it create votes from them who fear nuclear energy because of
Fukushima. LENR, which to her will sound as 'a half baked idea based on
nuclear power'. She will not touch that with a ten foot pole. Too
complicated to present, too little general support and great risk for
losing face.

Best Regards ,
Lennart Thornros
+1 916 436 1899
6140 Horseshoe Bar Road Suite G, Loomis CA 95650

"Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment
to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort." PJM

On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 6:46 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:

> *Ukraine spotlights Germany's nuclear power switch*
> "BERLIN (AP) -- The crisis in Ukraine has added an extra dose of
> uncertainty to German Chancellor Angela Merkel's biggest domestic project:
> shifting the country from nuclear to renewable energy sources.
> Merkel launched the drive to transition the country away from nuclear
> after Japan's 2011 Fukushima disaster. Since then, the "Energiewende" --
> roughly, "energy turnaround" -- has created increasing headaches.
> Now, the tensions with Russia could complicate the plans further.
> Germany, other European countries and the U.S. have slapped some sanctions
> on Moscow and threatened to impose more. The problem, however, is that
> Germany and several European economies depend heavily on Russian energy.
> Germany gets about a third of its natural gas and crude oil from Russia.
> Merkel is still pushing ahead with the plan to shift away from nuclear
> energy. But if the situation with Russia escalates and Germany decides to
> try and reduce its reliance on Russian gas, there could be problems staying
> on track."
> This situation is perfect for  Germany to accept and deploy LENR NiH
> reactors to replace both  Russian Gas and nuclear power reactors..
> On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 11:18 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:
>>  There seems to be a confluence of events that provide LENR with an
>> unprecedented opportunity to gain wide acceptance and deployment.
>> Just as war simulated the initial development of nuclear energy, a new
>> commercial and cold war between Russia and the West will stimulate the
>> rapid deployment of the NiH reactor.
>> In the upcoming few years, LENR will be used by western governments as an
>> economic weapon to weaken the Russian economy and reduce the foreign and
>> domestic prerogatives of Putin.
>> This is an ideal opportunity for the first release of the NiH reactor in
>> Europe as a replacement for Russian natural gas, the primary economic
>> weapon to undermine power projection of both the Russian and Iranian
>> governments.
>> LENR will take the energy weapon out of the hands of those who most want
>> to use it.
>> We can expect a fast tracking of the deployment of the NiH reactor in
>> Eastern Europe where Russia has economic leverage through supply of natural
>> gas to these former soviet states.
>> What will Russia and Iran do to counter this attack on their projection
>> of power, their national ambitions, their standard of living, and their
>> international prestige?

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