From: Jed Rothwell 


This patent is a fiasco. I do not know much about patents, but even I knew
about some of the problems David French described.


Rossi is reportedly an experienced businessman. So why did he make such
extreme mistakes?


Well, he did not understand how his device operated, first-off, and secondly
there was already a ton of prior art, including Piantelli and Mills. Plus,
some would say that much of his business experience has been skirting the
Law, where he did not fare well.


The curious thing is that Rossi has managed to have the same patent granted
in Italy. That would probably be of some value for much of Europe. As French
says, the most likely scenario is that there are presently one or more
filings which are in progress at USPTO and subject to the 18 months
non-publication rule.


The PCT – aka the World International Patent System - WIPO

(‎) … has been signed by the US and most other
countries. This creates an International problem for anyone wanting to
willfully infringe since Rossi has a granted patent in Italy. 





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