Notice that the last 2 external links are to your website.


   - Oriani cell
   - Works by or about Richard
Oriani<> in
   libraries (WorldCat <> catalog)
   - Reproducible Evidence For The Generation Of A Nuclear Reaction During
   Electrolysis <>
   - The Physical and Metallurgical Aspects of Hydrogen in

On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 12:04 PM, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:

> James Bowery <> wrote:
> Please clarify your statement, Jed.  Why is the deletion of a Wikipedia
>> page for an improperly capitalized last name for
> Ah. There is another Wikipedia article. I did not know that. The one I
> pointed to was deleted. It must have discussed his cold fusion work. I say
> that because the person who deleted it said so, and because it had links to
> This other article isn't bad. It mentions cold fusion. It has no links to
> his papers at
> I was surprised to see any links because when I last checked, years ago,
> you could not add links to Wikipedia automatically rejected
> them, with some sort of blacklist.
> Your answer has something to do with "a download link for papers by
>> Oriani" but your sentence is confusing.
> I mean that this came to my attention because people linked from Wikipedia
> to, and that showed up in the log.
> - Jed

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