A new way to make laser-like beams using 1,000x less power

The photon becomes entangled with the exciton (really the electron of a
electron hole dipole pair) whenever chance finds their quantum properties
are the same. This forms the polariton.

The photon makes BEC easy because the photon almost removes all the mass
from the electron. The photon removes the charge from the electron also but
increases the spin to 1. When so entangled with the electron, the photon
allows untold legions of electrons to be packed into nano sized EMF black
holes. The fermion exclusion principle no longer applies.

Because of inspired engineering, LENR inside a NiH reactor is far more
impressive because this design uses the peculiar nature of the polariton to
it maximum extent.

The six figure amperage discharge in a huge Florida lightning bolt is
routinely packed inside each of billions of spherical polariton solitons
just a few cubic nanometers in extent silently constrained inside the
volume of the cozy confines of a NiH reactor.

Inside the NiH reactor, the EMF storm that ensues is as severe as any
supernova or neutron star explosion that the universe can produce but maybe
more so.

In this new universe of intense EMF reactivity, nuclear reactions are
catalyzed by a disintegrating Vacuum as the very fabric of space-time is
ripped apart.

It is understandable way so few believe that the application of such
awesome power is even possible.

No matter, let them all find comfort in this blissful ignorance as the
awesome power of the universe works silently in their basements to heat the
water for their morning ablutions.

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