The remark you placed is not fair against R.Mills

(If  you place your bet on  Miills, you  put it on someone with an incredibly 
lousy history.  Period).

Please read my argumentation: 

>From the beginning R.Mills knew that fractional quantum states of hydrogen 
>were possible. 
His theory stayed consistent over the years. The only problem was : how to 
reach these states
in sufficient amounts to make the proces a commercially viable way to produce 

I have been looking into the subject for 15 years and got a grant in 2003 for 
the subject to let the blacklight effect be reproduced by a
university in the Netherlands. They were successfull in reproducing the 
formation of a
energetic chemical plasma (0.5W/cm3) when the so called blacklight catalysists 
in combination with atomic hydrogen were used.

In the years that followed R.Mills has tried almost all avenues to increase the 
excess energy and power of the reaction.
(first electrolytic , then plasma, then solid state). 
Since about a year he succeeded in increasing the Pout/Pin dramatically as well 
as the power density by using a very high current in order
to overcome charge buildup during the hydrino reaction. What is more : the 
effect is 100% reproducible. 
I can assure you that the effort he has put into this subject is astonishing 
considering that he  only has a small company and
there is a large opposition from certain people in the scientific community 
against his work. At best they ignore him. 

Peter van Noorden

From: Kevin O'Malley 
Sent: Monday, July 28, 2014 7:09 AM
To: vortex-l 
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Is the SunCell a titanium burner?

If  you place your bet on  Miills, you  put it on someone with an incredibly 
lousy history.  Period.  

On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 5:01 PM, Jojo Iznart <> wrote:

  In video 1, Randy shows a bomb calorimeter measurement of an explosion.  It 
was clear from the reading of the temperature rise that the output of that 
single explosion was 623J (I think, don't remember exactly).  So, it appears 
incontrovertible that the output is around 700J as Mills claims.  

  Well, the input is 5v x 10,000A or 5J for the short duration.  

  Why is there a question that the explosion can achieve a high COP.  In this 
case, it appears to be >100.

  I am not sure where the controversy is.  COP appears to be clearly overunity.


    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Kevin O'Malley 
    To: vortex-l 
    Sent: Monday, July 28, 2014 5:59 AM
    Subject: Re: [Vo]:Is the SunCell a titanium burner?


    I get the impression that Mills has been sitting on his hind quarters for 
at least a decade.  He's brilliant.  He knows how to attract investors to 
pie-in-the-sky projects that in the end, do not pan out.  Now he's seeing Rossi 
with his demos, promises, $20M engagement with Industrial Heat, INDEPENDENT 
third party submission... Mills is in scramble mode.  He got beat by Rossi and 
he either goes after all  his supposedly superior prior  solutions or he gets 
ready for the patent war that is to come.  Mills will be a patent warrior and 
nothing more.  None of his fun experiments will come to fruition in the 
industrial/commercial nor consumer market.  

    You have stated that if anyone finds nuclear ash in Mills's experiments, 
it's a death blow to his theory.  With the money that will soon be attracted to 
this sector of industry, I predict that multiple death blows will be dealt to 
his theory.  Maybe half of such death blows will have real data rather than 
contrived data, but it will be enough to relegate Mills to the fringes of 

    On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 9:04 AM, Jones Beene <> wrote:

      Steven reported that massive amounts of info from the BLP demo is now
      online. I wish it was better organized.

      The most hyped up doc is here :

      I have not found time to wade through all of this yet, at least not with 
      confidence, but here are first impressions of what seems to be going on.
      These could be inaccurate.

      1)      There is good evidence of Pout exceeding Pin by a significant 
      2)      COP of 5 has been mentioned as the net gain from photocell
      3)      COP of 100-200 is claimed as the reaction gain, less catalyst
      rejuvenation and loses
      4)      Titanium seems to be the preferred catalyst (but knowing Mills he
      has a better one under wraps)
      5)      He says but does not prove that the catalyst can be rejuvenated in
      line with the reaction. This is the key. Anyone can burn Ti for gain, it 
      a great fuel.
      6)      In short, everything hinges on rejuvenation of the catalyst, which
      is still under wraps, or else I missed it.
      7)      Even if the gain is substantial, this is basically oxidation
      (combustion) of a catalyst, but with gain over and above the chemical 
      Even a gain of 200:1 does not insure commercialization! (except for 
      uses) To be explained.
      8)      Ferro-titanium is not expensive, but nano-titanium powder is. The
      difference is 5000:1 since ingots go for $5 pound but pure powder costs 
      9)      Titanium is expensive to rejuvenate (reduce), but there is 
      a secret catalyst which is easier and which is a trade secret. There is no
      doubt it is oxidized in the
      10)     Bottom line - this technology could be great - or a bust for the
      general public, depending on the cost of catalyst rejuvenation. I am not
      impressed with the level of openness here.
      11)     If the best catalyst is nano-titanium, then this stage show is
      basically a delusion for the alternative energy crowd - economically .

      This turned up on one of the forums. Past public claims by Mills/BLP:

      1999: Will commercialize a hydrino power generator within a year. 1000 W,
      within 4 months.

      2005: Only months away from commercialization.

      2008: 50000 W, within 12 to 18 months.

      2009: Commercialization within 1 year to 18 months.

      2012: 100 W by the end of 2012, 1500 W 2013

      2014: 100000 W in 16 to 18 weeks.

      If history is an indicator, this was little more than a horse-and-pony 
      put on to raise capital but done so that investors would not notice how
      contrived the whole thing is.

      However, there could be significant military aerospace uses which will 
      the project. This is not an answer to the energy crisis as it stands now.
      The most interest should come from NASA and the Pentagon. I could see this
      as a fabulous solid fuel rocket engine.

      I hope all of those investors can stand a loss, because this technology is
      most likely not ready for prime time in the commercial arena, and there
      could be allegations of actual fraud this time around, if Mills does not
      have a commercial device in 2015. If his ace-in-the-hole is the Pentagon,
      then he will dodge a bullet by that tactic.

      IMO - there is no chance of a commercial device in 2015 for the general
      public or for Grid usage, if nano-titanium is required. This is not what 
      have been looking for as an affordable alternative to fossil fuel.

      Yet in the end - power could cost 10 times more than fossil fuel - and yet
      it would be great for weaponry. Admitting that from the start, however, 
      not bring enough investors to the table.

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