On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 4:53 PM, <mix...@bigpond.com> wrote:

> Why is this a miracle? Note that there are lots of Hydrino "sizes", and
> therefore different sizes are likely to predominate under different
> circumstances. This could go a long way toward explaining the variability
> in CF
> experiments. In the past, on this list, I have also provided many new
> "clean"
> nuclear reaction pathways that Hydrinos (or something similar) might make
> possible, such as IC like processes, fast protons, and Hydrino molecular
> cluster
> fusion/fission.

Perhaps I should restate the 2 miracles along a slightly different axis:

1) If one adopts Storms's viewpoint, there is no scientific revolution --
merely a different interpretation of accepted theory.  So the "miracle" of
a technology so revolutionary that it reconfigures the origin of human
social organization (the campsite fire) is not compounded by a revolution
in accepted theory -- merely revolution in the *interpretation* of accepted
theory.  Mills is applying Ockham's Razor to surgically remove the
equivalent of a brain tumor on the body of accepted theory that has grown
up over the last century, and then reinterpreted what was left to more
accurately fit facts that were in evidence before the F&P phenomenon.
 Other scientific revolutions were not really this revolutionary, eg. the
removal of the epicycles by Copernicus, the unification of light,
electricity and magnetism by Maxwell, the incorporation of momentum into
the physical state by Newton, etc. provided not nearly such a profound
reduction of theoretic cancer and weren't even motivated by a great
technological utility that needed to be explained.  The combination of such
a technological leap -- not in instrumentation but in useful phenomenon --
and such a profound reduction of theoretic cancer is unprecedented.

2) The conflation of not one but two entirely different energy sources --
either of which would provide the profound technological utility.

I guess what might help buy this enough to start diving into the theory
more seriously would be a chronology of the genesis of this theory to see
to what degree Mills is guilty or innocent of what he accuses others:  at
hoc over-fitting to achieve these "miracles" of theory and technology.

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