I have recently come across Torsion Fields, the theoretical fifth force that has yet to be experimentally demonstrated.
Should this fifth force be the 10th spin-spin interaction on the list?

On 07/09/2014 20:17, Jones Beene wrote:
"Spin coupling" is a superset phrase for several types of energy transfer
mechanisms, including angular momentum coupling, magnetic coupling and much
more. Unfortunately, there is no scholarly paper to elucidate all of the
intricacy of this phenomenon, as it applies to LENR. Mention was made of
spin coupling in gravimagnetics by Horace Heffner years ago, and it is too
bad he is not here to bring those comments up to date in a broader context.
It was part of  Julian Schwinger's approach to LENR, far earlier.

Spin coupling exists as a way to transfer energy across vast scales of
geometry, all the way from galaxies down to quarks. Included in the term are

1) magnetic dipole coupling
2) LS coupling of hydrogen and possibly potassium, where the electron spins
interact among themselves in groups to form a total spin angular momentum
(similar to magnons);
3) J coupling, which is also called indirect dipole-dipole coupling which is
mediated through hydrogen bonds connecting two spins.
4) JJ coupling happens between heavier atoms like nickel;
5) Spin-spin coupling
6) Magnon coupling
7) Mössbauer coupling
8) Nuclear coupling, which is stronger at short distances and is
incorporated directly into the nuclear shell model.
9) Subatomic spin coupling of quarks and pions QCD etc.

Certainly there are others under the umbrella of spin coupling.

A focus on spin coupling phenomenon - as the main source of nuclear gain,
without gamma radiation, is new to somewhat new to LENR and it is not clear
who to attribute the idea to, possibly Schwinger in a simpler form - but it
stands as an alternative way to transfer mass-energy from heavy nuclei,
directly to light nuclei, then to electrons, then to magnons (in the sense
of a coherent array). The energy is nuclear, but there is no fusion nor is
it Mills, even if reduced orbitals are involved.

The result is spatial thermal gain which is similar in some respects to the
way a magnetic core of a transformer heats up. Yet in the end the gain is
mass-to-energy - since nuclear mass converts to spin at a basic subatomic
level, starting at the quark level and QCD.

The main problem is that there could be much more going on in any LENR
experiment than spin coupling. In fact, spin coupling can co-exist with
nuclear fusion, beta decay, hydrinos or any other nuclear process. Plus,
gain from spin coupling can make incidental fusion reactions seem more
robust than they in actuality ... or vice-versa. By that, it is suggested
that spin coupling, providing only milli-eV of energy per nucleon, but which
is transferred at terahertz rates, is a mechanism which can provide many
Watts of thermal gain, which can make a few incidental fusion reactions
stand-out as being more important than they are... or vice versa.

This is a complex and interesting angle - for looking at gain in
nickel-hydrogen systems for several reasons. First, of course is that nickel
is ferromagnetic  and many experiments have shown changes around the Curie
point of nickel. Second is the Letts/Cravens effect and the recent NI-Week
demo of Dennis Cravens, and the magnetic work of Mitchell Swartz - all of
which show a strong connection of magnetism to excess heat.


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