There is another version which no one talks about any more, which is housed in 
silicon carbide. This ceramic version was the one Rossi described in his 
tribute to Focardi as the breakthrough leading to the HotCat, after which, it 
was never mentioned again. 


I have been trying to find the reference for this, since Rossi apparently 
removed it from JoNP. E-Cat World still has the story of the Focardi tribute 
and the “incident at Brasimone” which at one time led me to believe that 
silicon carbide tubes were important.


Rossi quote: See you soon, my great Friend and Master Sergio! I will never 
forget our work together and that day in the Brasimone Nuclear facility.


Apparently “that day” was when the HotCat first went operational. Rossi had 
said in the original story that the tube was silicon carbide, because that is 
what they had specialized in at Brasimone, ceramic plumbing for the Italian 
molten salt reactor. 


There is a very good technical reason why SiC could be important – plasmon 
polaritons. SiC emits a nearly coherent blackbody level which is most unique 
and it is exactly the wavelength NASA says is important. It could be 
coincidental, or the reference could have been removed from JoNP because it 
gave away too much. This paper shows the sharp emission peak at ~11 microns 
"Infrared properties of SiC particles" Mutschke et al.


The plasmon/polariton connection to THz radiation in the far IR spectrum could 
be one key to robust LENR, as we seem to find in the HotCat. The paper by  
Hagelstein, Cravens and Letts includes some of the theory which would tie it 
all together with IR photons at 11 micron resonance.


However, since no reference ever appeared again to SiC, and all of the new 
HotCats seem to show stainless steel exterior, perhaps this detail will remain 
a false alarm, or else a mystery which will unfold in a couple of weeks.





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