From: Blaze Spinnaker

*       I was re-reading this, and I strongly agree with one of the 
comments…."“I don’t care who gets there first, how it happens,” he says. “I 
just want to see it happen.”" …The statement is either a total misquote or a 
complete lie, and therefore undermines the credibility of Tom Darden in a huge 

No way ! You have this interpretation all wrong. This statement is fully 
consistent with a commendable executive – one with both a high level of social 
conscience  and at the same time, a strong belief that he can do it better than 
the competition; so he welcomes them to join him to push the field forward … 
but if he cannot do it better – he wants society to benefit over investors. 

I find this admirable. After all, he must realize that Randell Mills has a 20 
year head start and is better funded, and is not burdened with a nutty inventor.

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