From: "Alain Sepeda" <> 
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 6:59:56 AM 

there is a huge problem with lugano that McKubre have spotted, bad calibration, 
but that one have to consider numerically... 
what is the error of emissivity required, and what is the real temperature if 
COP=1 in lugano test... 

nobody answered. I tried but I suspect I'm wrong, because I don't know exactly 
how is computed the IR cam estimated temperature at a given emissivity claim. 

NB: if someone can give me the method I can revert the equation. 

- - - - 

The basic equations are in my report 

I started looking into the sensitivity to emissivity (and even wrote an IR 
camera simulator), but didn't finish it. 

The calculated power from Stefan-Boltzmann (equal to Planck if emmisivity is 
constant with wavelength) is 

P = c1 * em * T^4 ...(1) 

But the camera itself measures the power it's receiving, P_measured, and 
derives T from that, the emmissivity, and internal constants. I don't have my 
notes at hand, so lets just say that 

T = function(emmissivity,measured_power) ...(2) 

At worst the estimated T will be proportional to em -- if so, putting this into 
(1) gives 

P = c1 * em * em^4 * P_measured ...(3) 

--- ie proportional to em^5 (But it might be em^3 or even better ... so don't 
quote this !!!! ) 

I didn't run the error margins, but my impression was that it would still yield 
COP>1 even in the worst plausible scenario. 

I probably won't have time to get back to this for a couple of weeks. 

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