I think the video I shared previously ( http://vimeo.com/22956103 ) shows
why there should be a lot less close-mindedness around 'fringe' topics
including aetheric and so-called LENR research as there is so much we don't
know we can't know what all that unknown does to influence what we
otherwise think is certain.

Well if I was presenting something, I would also make mention of this:

This proves that peoples beliefs follow along with their world view, with
their identification with a certain group or system.

By exposing people to the fact that we allow people to die of cancer all
the time because the cure does not fit our collective notion of what a cure
should be or who it should come from...

It helps expose the truth and yet to a degree (temporarily) inoculate those
listening from writing something off because the thing being presented
comes with a shot of cognitive dissonance about who and where a
breakthrough should come from.

While the best way to change peoples minds is with undeniable buy one in a
shop near you proof, until then it would help to become masters of
persuasion, persuasion not to trick, but to stop people from tricking


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