Robin, you were fortunate enough to see something strange that day.  My wife 
and I witnessed some type of UFO a few years ago as well.  I was driving and 
she was in the passengers seat.  All I saw was a red ball moving through the 
trees that appeared much like the way a laser does when shined onto a black 
screen.  She saw something far more impressive but refused to tell me about it 
until we traveled far enough away to be unable to return for a better look.  
She was afraid that I would want to go back, and she was right.  What she 
described is nothing short of amazing.  She said it moved extremely quickly 
form above us to within perhaps 30 yards.  She also told me it emitted a bright 
beam of white light.  I saw none of that.  Of course we did not mention the 
sighting at that time.





-----Original Message-----
From: mixent <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Thu, Nov 27, 2014 7:45 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:They call me a moron. A reply.

In reply to  Eric Walker's message of Thu, 27 Nov 2014 14:09:42 -0800:
>On Thu, Nov 27, 2014 at 1:37 PM, <> wrote:
>> I have seen an operating UFO.
>Can you elaborate on this detail?
I have previously on this list, but will again, as it was before your time. 
It was a sunny day with a clear blue sky. I stood in my back yard with a pair of
binoculars in the shade of the house, looking generally in the direction of the
sun. I looked for some time but saw nothing. Then I started searching the sky a
bit more generally. Eventually I saw it. A grey/silver more or less cylindrical
object with the cylinder axis vertical. The bottom was a little wider than the
top, and had a sort of somewhat flared "skirt". The top appeared to be somewhat
pointed (about a 20 ยบ angle with the sides). I guess this is the type of thing
that is referred to as a "top hat" UFO. 
It must have been tilted slightly toward me, because I couldn't see under it,
but could see the top somewhat. It "bobbed" gently sideways until it disappeared
from view behind the neighbor's house.


Robin van Spaandonk


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